Derogatory Customer Feedback Online: Should Your Company Delete It?

I received a question from a reader, related to the freedom customers have in leaving public feedback about a company. They wanted to know how a business owner should treat derogatory comments when they or their team have the ability to delete them. Their question would apply to any website or social media profile where you have censorship ability. Here … Read more

Social Media Strategy: Just Wing It

Note: This post was originally published at and was moved to Kiss My Biz upon that blog’s reorganization. — Wing it. Just hop on in there, set up a bunch of social media profiles and get posting, tweeting, and sharing. Then hope for the best. That seems to be one of the most popular social media strategies out there, … Read more

4 Tips to Improve Customer Service Using Social Media

Have you avoided social media in your business so far? Have you played with some social media tools, but you aren’t sure what to do with them? Why not focus your social media efforts around improving customer service? Let’s explore four simple ways you can do that, by integrating social media into your customer relationship management. 1. Launch a company blog. A … Read more